Uganda Journalist Appointed MLGWUI Overseas/Country Representative.
The Migrant Labour General Workers’ Union International (MLGWUI) has appointed Mr. Draga Osman Brahan as the Overseas/Country Representive in Uganda responsible for Immigrants and Migrant Workers’ social protection and ensuring their decent work defence.
Mr. Osman who is currently the Editor of Today Africanews and the Vice President of Uganda Journalists Union has contributed immersly towards Immigrants and Migrant Workers’ Social Protection, Justice and Human and Labour Rights in the Eastern Africa.
He will be responsible for providing information regarding issues affecting Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Immigrant Entrepreneurs as well as partnership assistance to the Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Migrant Entrepreneurs’ corporate relations, communications, and administrative oversight.
Announcing the appointment, Baako Justice Ntarmah the General Secretary and Head of Education International Relations of MLGWUI said, Osman Draga is an outstanding personality who will lead and represent the interests of Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Immigrant Entrepreneurs comptently in Uganda and neighbouring Eastern Africa.
” I know Osman a dedicated person who can focus on making real contributions to Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Migrant Entrepreneurs”, said Baako Justice Ntarmah.
Osman who is also a Regional Leadership Team of UIS African Conference of Pensioners and Retirees of the WFTU articulated the issues of Migrants/Immigrants very well during Regional Conference in Dakar Senega in 2019 and has also contributed to key interests of Migrant/ Immigrants Workers on high-level platforms.
The Migrant Labour General Workers Union International (MLGWUI) with its headquarters in Accra-Ghana is a migrant trade union organisation ensuring Decent Work, Social Protection, Justice, Human Rights, Education, Cultural Linguistic, Business Capacity Building Occupation Safety and Health for Migrant Workers, Returned Migrant (Returnees), Migrant Entrepreneurs Refugees, International, Volunteers-Students in Africa and Diaspora.
Osman who is the Editor of Today Africanews which is a continental news platform a news portal with multimedia contents that circulate in around Africa and world and appreciated here in Ghana was unanimously seconded by the members of MLGWUI as its’ Country Representative in the East African Region.
Migrant Labour General Workers’ Union International (MLGWUI) is therefore urges Immigrants to contact him, Draga Osma for all necessary human and labour rights assistance if need arises during their labour migration and regional reintegration.